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How To Sell The Value Of Mobile To Clients

Our challenge is to be equally well-versed in selling our clients on that value as being something in which they need to invest precious budget dollars.

A Guide To Mobile App Testing

Testers are often thought of as people who find bugs, but have you ever considered how testers actually approach testing? Do you ever wonder what testers actually do, and how they can add value to a typical technology project?

Your mobile site is slower than you think

The world’s first study into mobile wait times reveals that a typical ecommerce site takes 11+ seconds to load, one-third of site owners don’t have a mobile-specific site, and LTE isn’t the performance saviour it’s been touted as Trying to measure and analyse your site’s mobile performance is like taking aim at a constantly moving target. As soon as you think you have some idea of what exactly it is you’re trying to measure, it changes.

Applying Fitts’ Law To Mobile Interface Design

Fitts’ Law is an essential principle of Human-Computer Interaction theory that was formulated almost 60 years ago. It’s critical to UX design for the desktop and laptop, but with interaction techniques being vastly different on mobile devices can we still use it the same way? We’ll look at what Fitts’ Law consists of and how it is applied to design on mobile devices.