The Ten Commandments Of Efficient Design In Axure | Smashing UX Design

Axure is a powerful tool for creating software prototypes quickly. Getting started with it is really easy; however, therein lies a danger. The tool is so intuitive that many users can be productive without undergoing any formal training. What they might not be aware of is that they probably aren’t using Axure optimally.


A First Look at Google Web Designer - Tuts+

Unless you've been hiding under a stone recently, you'll have no doubt seen Google's latest application release: Google Web Designer. Currently in Beta, GWD is a tool for building interactive websites and, perhaps more significantly, ad banners, through modern web standards.


Tools for image optimization

Tools for image optimization
There have been plenty of well documented cases of page weight being heavy, with the Oakley site Brad Frost mentioned in April clocking in at ~ 25MB worth of images alone. Insanity. Just think of this on mobile: slower data, CPU, GPU..and it’s just ONE page.

17 Sites for Web Design Inspiration


There's a plethora of ways to tackle web dev and code, and professional designers and developers are no different. We asked several developers from various online publications what their favorite sources are for design and code inspiration, and the results are as varied as the projects these professionals make themselves.