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Designing (and converting) for multiple mobile densities

This is wonderful for everyday mobile users, as the quality of their device screens become sharper and allow them to better experience the finer details of an application. But this creates an interesting challenge — designing for multiple mobile densities.

17 Design Feedback Techniques that Influence Others and Win Meetings

Picture this. The designer on your team has spent the last week whipping up lo-fi wireframes that highlight solutions to the user and business problems you're trying to solve. She's worked through all the interactions. Then she presents to the rest of the team. But she flounders, stumbling over her words. Everyone has a deer-in-the-headlights look on their faces. She's lost them. And it ends with the dreaded four words, "what do you think?"

Wacom's new multitouch tablet for designers

Design hardware manufacturer Wacom is a big favourite amongst digital artists, graphics designers and photographers, with its Cintiq range of tablets particularly favoured in the creative community. Now the company has released a new, improved version of its full HD tablet, the Wacom Cintiq 22HD. The Wacom Cintiq 22HD Touch features, as the name suggests, a multi-touch display that's similar to Wacom's larger, more expensive model, the Cintiq 24HD.

The 10 best movies about design

Every designer should see these brilliant movies, covering everything from typography to urban art. Find out which ones you've missed...

The résumé reinvented as a board game

This would certainly catch a potential employer's eye. Created by a designer with work woes, 'The Game of Design' includes instructions and dice as well as research, client, visual communication and composition cards.

Designing for Humans

There is a growing trend throughout the web community to embrace an understanding of behavioral science, and to apply its tenets to our designs. This progress helps us walk the delicate balance between providing an emotional and pleasurable experience for our users and communicating content and information through clear, intuitive patterns.

30 top examples of letterpress business cards

Using the oldest form of printing to create memorable letterpress business cards can help beat off the competition. Here are 25 stunning examples of exactly what letterpress printing can achieve.

5 Things to Know When Designing for iOS

We believe that the best applications are those that work universally. That means they work on Retina screens and non-Retina screens; they work on tall screens and short screens; they work on iPads and iPhones and iPod touches; most importantly, they work well in all these contexts.

Awesome Time-Lapse ‘New York Day’

“New York Day” and the approximately four-minute long video is only a teaser of what photographer Samuel Orr hopes to produce. One of the really cool things about this video is its employment of natural sound (or nat sound as we call it in the business).