Building a Responsive Layout With Skeleton: Widescreen

Building a Responsive Layout With Skeleton: Widescreen
It’s time to pick up our Skeleton layout once more, this time to approach layouts larger than the standard 960px width. Skeleton throws a few curve balls our way when it comes to extending the framework – let’s take a look at those difficulties and see what we can do to get around them.


Boarding Pass/FAIL

This all started on a recent flight aboard a Delta Airlines plane. I was heading back from New York where I had met up with fellow designer Dustin Curtis. If you are not aware of Dustin's take on American Airlines, go read this. Anyway, I was inspired by Dustin and his attitude towards shittily designed things, to say the least. I was bored so I started rummaging through my stuff trying to find something to read when I grabbed my boarding pass. So I stared at it for a while. Rubbed my eyes, then stared at it some more.

This will be so cool if the fly companies could take this idea. 

The Avengers by Honky's

The second half of the film is action, action, action. As it should be - you get these heavy-hitters together, I expect nothing less.  My one complaint, without giving anything away (since it's mentioned in the IMDB plotline) concerns Loki teaming up with aliens.  This isn't just apples and oranges, it's more like apples and oil filters.  The worlds of Asgard are so rich, and full of villains - what's wrong with attacking Earth with frost giants, the Midgard Serpent, the legions of Hel or the dark elves of Svartalfheim?  A war between Earth and one of the other 9 worlds, like Jotunheim or Niffleheim, would have been a more logical progression from the "Thor" film, and would have united the Avengers just as well.  They can do aliens in the next film.

Second !

Interview: Angel investor Marco Giberti on the Latin American startup scene

There are lots of good things happening, but we can hopefully accelerate them and see even better achievements over the next couple of years. We have to all work together to create new success stories from Latin America, that will encourage new entrepreneurs and investors to come into the market. I also think we need to find ways to legitimate Latin America as an entrepreneurial startup community. We need to convince innovative initiatives on entrepreneurial education to come South and to create content in Spanish and Portuguese, which would dramatically expand their audience and help them reach the masses.

Interesante articulo sobre los Startups en Latino America.

Hello World!

Hello there !!! 

CREATIX BOX. Somos un Studio Multimedia conformado por los mejores Developers, Videomakers, Designers, Photographers y Multimedia Journalists. 

Y este es nuestro Blog, muchos de nosotros hablamos espanol, bueno algunos estan aprendiendo, pero nuestro objetivo es poder compartir las noticias de la technologia en Espanol, pero mas que Espanol sera un Spanglish.

Nuestro objetivo es poder compartir las noticias, picks and tricks, sobre todo lo que esta relacionado a la tecnologia, Video, Fotografia, pero sobre todo todo lo que esta relacionado al mundo de Apple, porque somos Apple Fan boys.

Nuestros articulos seran en Spanglish, Por que? Porque creemos que es la mejor forma de poder introducir las noticias a nosotros Hispanoparlantes lo cual es clave para que podamos entrar a un mercado netamente Anglofono. Nosotros somos el hub para de los hispanoparlantes thru The Technology News.

Si, si... De nada!