Viewing entries tagged
User Experience

4 Myths About User Experience — And How to Bust Them

One of the most annoying things people say about UX is that it's "just common sense," or it's "something you just made up." Nothing could be further from the truth: UX is based on 200 years of scientific knowledge, 30 years of industry best practices and specifically applied research.


First Time User Experiences

I've been putting together a showcase of new user experiences, good and bad, from a variety of products. 

Providing The Best Mobile User Experience Possible

Now and again, I hit the swimming pool. It’s a good way to exercise, but also to relax after a long day in front of my PC. I can do quite a few laps in my front crawl, but only because I don’t use my legs much. I kick steadily to ensure that my legs stay lifted and don’t slow me down. I don’t use my legs much for forward propulsion. An instructor once explained to me that legs can definitely help with propulsion in the front crawl, but only at the cost of much higher energy consumption.

6 Must-See Usability Testing Videos

Usability testing. Some people love it, some hate it, many don’t get it. Personally, I think they are the best thing anyone can do to learn from their users. In the same time, they are emotionally exhausting for moderators.