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Retina for web workflow

The biggest pain of retina becoming the standard for computer displays is the extra work that's involved in making it work on the web. But it's possible to automate your retina (@2x) for web workflow thanks to Slicy, CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less and retina.js.

10 Essential Tools for the Lean Web Developer

There is no correct set of tools every developer should be using. The right tool is the one best suited to you. We've compiled a list of 10 exceptional free or open source apps for developers to help keep costs minimal, improve productivity and simplify workflow. You will find some old favorites listed; however, you might discover some new tools for your arsenal.

I want the world to scroll this way.

I want the world could scroll this way.png
It's hard to read on the web. Your favorite newspaper or magazine probably lets you read articles on its website. It's convenient but there are a couple of draw backs. Compared with print, you're less likely to finish the article, you'll read it slower, you'll skip over sentences and your comprehension will go down.

DOM Enlightenment - Free e-book

This book is not an exhaustive reference on DOM scripting or JavaScript. It may, however, be the most exhaustive book written about DOM scripting without the use of a library/framework. The lack of authorship around this topic is not without good reason. Most technical authors are not willing to wrangle this topic because of the differences that exist among legacy browsers and their implementations of the DOM specifications (or lack thereof).