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An iOS 7 App Icon Template for Obsessive Designers - savvy apps blog


Recently I was testing an app we’re building that didn’t have an app icon yet. I noticed that iOS 7 provided a new placeholder image. That placeholder just so happens to be a pixel perfect version of the new iOS 7 grid, finely tuned at every size. It wasn’t until I saw this grid to scale—directlyfrom Apple—on all my devices that I decided to create a template of my own that appealed to my obsessive nature.


iOS Still Drives More Pageviews than Android [NEW GLOBAL DATA]

When a colleague casually asked what smartphone she should buy, productivity in the Mobify office ground to a halt. Lines were drawn. Furtive glances were thrown across the room. Devices, absent a second ago, suddenly materialized in hands.

The seven best OS X tricks you're not using

It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it: find overlooked OS X tricks. Sometimes I hunt for them; sometimes I just run across them. Here’s a collection that I bet includes items you’ve missed, too.

5 Things to Know When Designing for iOS

We believe that the best applications are those that work universally. That means they work on Retina screens and non-Retina screens; they work on tall screens and short screens; they work on iPads and iPhones and iPod touches; most importantly, they work well in all these contexts.

Dos and don'ts of cross-platform mobile design

The words “cross-platform development” have a somewhat negative connotation within the mobile development community. When we think cross-platform, we immediately think of compromising designs and user experiences, with poor performance that caters to the lowest common denominator of device. There are so many people doing cross-platform development badly that we’ve started to assume that all cross-platform development is bad.

Heroku's developer event

heroku's developer event the concourse  San Francisco 28 February 2013. waza is the japanese word for art and technique waza celebrates craft and the creative process of software development with technical sessions and interactive artistic happenings.

Preparing Websites For The Unexpected

Designing websites for smartphones is easy compared to retrofitting those already in place. More than that, it’s embarrassing how, almost eight years after CSS gained practical acceptance, a lack of foresight haunts those of us who write HTML.

29 new inspiring responsive designs on the web

Take a look at these new, smart and stylish responsive layouts and get inspiration for your next website. Spanning across different kinds of companies, strategies and aesthetics, all of these websites have one thing in common: great responsive design.

Give Your Website an iOS Home Screen Icon

With more mobile web users than ever, it’s important to keep your branding strong. Let’s go one step further than the standard favicon and help your website stand out by creating icons for use on iOS and Android home screens.